Asker's work on the SDGs

Asker is a new municipality in 2020, following a merger between Hurum, Røyken and Asker municipalities. We use the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an overall and integral framework for our new large municipality.

Lagbilde av deltakere på Norway Cup fra Asker
Foto: Asker municipality/Martin Hafsahl

English Reports

Voluntary Local Review 2021

Asker participated at the World Urban Forum 2020 together with the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization and the Ministry of foreign Affairs to share our work with implementing the SDGs and working with youth on that matter.

The New York City Mayor’s Office invited us to produce a Voluntary Local Review (VLR) to compile our understanding, methods and experiences working with localizing the SDGs since 2016. In this, our first VLR, we have compiled an overview of what we have done so far to make the 17 SDGs relevant to our municipality, and how we will work to achieve the goals going forward.

Presentations at World Urban Forum 10, 8-13 February, Abu Dabi

Side Event: "SDGs In Action: Challenges In Implementing Sustainability Assessment For Cities Towards Achieving SDGs”

"SDGs in Action Session: SDGs as a tool for participation and engagement for the future. The importance of Youth"

Gender Equality Plan

The new Municipality of Asker and the SDGs